How to Start an Aquarium Maintenance Business Course
Everything you need to know to get your aquarium maintenance business started.

Learn how regular people can take basic aquariums from local pet stores and transform them into a profitable, recurring income stream...
All without a lot of mess, stress, time or investment.
Have you signed up for the free workshop, yet?
Your Instructor
Larry is the owner of Aquatic Designs, Inc. in Central Arkansas and has been doing aquarium maintenance as a business since 1995. He also ran his own live fish store for a few years and is a published author on aquarium maintenance. He also does commercial aquarium repair, training and consulting for the big box pet stores in his state.
Course Curriculum
(2 Lessons)
Business Structure
Business Licenses
Business Basics: Accounting
(6 Lessons)
Benefits of an Accountant
Invoicing & Receiving Payments
Accepting Credit Cards
Business Basics: Minimizing Risk
(5 Lessons)
Separating Business from Personal
State Health Department & Infectious Control Committees
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets
Work Safety
Aquarium Basics: Types of Aquarium Systems
(6 Lessons)
Aquarium Basics: Tanks & Equipment
(19 Lessons)
Aquarium Basics: Types of Fish
(6 Lessons)
Aquarium Basics: Setting up an Aquarium
(10 Lessons)
Aquarium Maintenance: Cleaning Equipment
(10 Lessons)
Aquarium Maintenance: Chemicals
(7 Lessons)
Aquarium Maintenance Procedures
(13 Lessons)
Aquarium Maintenance: Other Equipment
(3 Lessons)
Aquarium Business
(12 Lessons)
Leasing Aquariums
Maintenance Pricing
Product Pricing
Guaranteeing Fish
Customer Service
Training Clients
When a Potential Client Calls for a Quote
Visiting a Potential Client for a New Aquarium
Creating Quotes
(3 Lessons)
(2 Lessons)
Student Resource Center
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to go through the course?
The course is broken up into several different sections and lessons. You can go through at your own pace and revisit any section as many times as you want. If you were to sit down and go through the entire course from start to finish, it would take 4-6 hours or more. I don't release the lessons on a timed basis. I want you to be able to take it all in before you get started.
How long can I access the course?
You will have lifetime access to the course. In the event that the course is taken offline, you will be able to receive a PDF copy for your use.
Will I receive any updates to the course?
Yes. You will be able to receive any updates that I do and will be notified of them through email.
Can I make payments on the course?
PayPal also has a new Pay in 4 option where you can make 4 payments on qualifying purchases. You can check out that option here and see if it will work for you. (Certain conditions apply)
What if I feel the course is not right for me after purchase?
I offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you feel that it is not going to be a good fit for you.
What types of aquariums will I be able to maintain after going through this course?
The business part of the course will work for any type of freshwater or saltwater aquarium system, but the aquarium instruction part just pertains to freshwater aquariums. This is the business model that I use.
What all is included?
- You will be enrolled in the "How to Start an Aquarium Maintenance Business Course"
- You will also receive my marketing templates. These are files that you can copy and use for sales letters, brochures and business cards. They are all based on the Canva platform which is an online graphic design app and is free to use. They also have a service where you can get them professionally printed at a good price.
- You will receive access to a photo gallery of several of my aquarium systems in waiting rooms that you can use in your advertising until you can get your own portfolio built up.
- Finally, you will receive access to the Student Resource Center which includes an area where you can find answers to your aquarium maintenance business questions or ask your own.
What about the Pandemic?
The Covid-19 pandemic affected the maintenance business at first. It was harder for my students to find new accounts during 2020 and I was not able to get into some of my accounts such as nursing homes and retirement centers. Things began to turn around in 2021 and are now pretty much back to normal. I have personally picked up new accounts throughout 2021.
I have found that this business fared well during crises like Covid-19 and the recession of 2008. I've lost very little business from either event and am confident that it will continue to do well.
Have more questions?
Feel free to email me and I will answer any more questions that you may have.